Help Hotlines


1-888-425-2666 (Toll-free)
Offers self help groups for youth with alcoholic relatives and/or friends.

Huntington Town Youth Bureau
(631) 271-3591 (Counseling Office)
Provides crisis intervention related to drugs, alcohol, etc. Offers referral services and individual, group and family counseling for substance abusers.

(800) 477-6291 (Information Hotline)
Offers self help groups for relatives and friends of drug abusers.


211 Long Island
(888) -774-7633
A free, online database with over 11,000 community resources. Includes resources to assist with disabilities, violence, substance abuse, food pantries, housing, support groups, etc. 888-774-7633

Family Service League
(631) 427-3700
Provides both physical and emotional aid to Long Island’s most vulnerable citizens.

Long Island Crisis Center
(516) 679-1111 (Hotline)
Provides suicide prevention, crisis intervention. Offers counseling and referrals. Also offers Pride for Youth, a program for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or questioning adolescents and young adults, as well as Runaway Youth Project.

Salvation Army
(631) 368-1170
Offers social services, and food and clothing assistance.

Youth Directions and Alternatives
(631) 261-7901
Offers recreation, education, and counseling services.


National AIDS Hotline
(800) CDC-INFO (800-232-4636)
Offers information about AIDS and referral services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

National STD Hotline
(800) CDC-INFO (800) 232-4636
Offers infomration about STD's and referral services.

Mental Health

Association for Mental Health and Wellness
(631) 226-3900
Offers referrals and information about mental health services.


Long Island Crisis Center
(516) 679-1111 (Hotline)
Provides suicide prevention, crisis intervention. Offers counseling and referrals.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
(800) 273-TALK (8225) (Toll-free Hotline)
Provides assistance to anyone is a suicidual crisis. Connects individual to closest possible crisis center.

Response of Suffolk County
(631) 751-7500 (Hotline)
Provides suicide prevention, crisis intervention, and telephone counseling. Offers referral services.

Violence and Abuse

Brighter Tomorrows
(631) 395-1800 (Hotline)
Provides crisis intervention to victims of domestic violence. Offers referrals for individual and group counseling for victims of domestic violence, emergency shelter, legal advocacy, etc.

Parents For Megan's Law, Inc.
(888) ASK-PFML (275-7365/Toll- free Hotline) (631) 689-2672 (Main Intake)
Offers referrals for youth victims of sexual abuse and their non-offending families. Also offers counseling, legal advocacy, prevention education, etc.

The Retreat
(631) 329-2200 (Hotline) 24/7 Hotline
Provides crisis intervention for victims of domestic violence. Offers referrals to counseling, housing, etc.

Suffolk County Coalition Against Domestic Violence Hotline (SCCADV)
(631) 666-8833 (Hotline)24/7 Hotline
Provides crisis intervention to victims of domestic violence. Offers referrals for counseling, emergency shelter, legal advocacy, etc.

Victims Information Bureau of Suffolk (VIBS)
(631) 360-3606 (Hotline) 24/7 Hotline
Provides counseling and legal advocacy to victims of domestic/date violence, rape, and sexual assault. Also provides voluntary or court mandated counseling for abusive men.